MO DIRT: Missourians Doing Impact Research Together


Maritz Green Fair

May 8, 2018

MO DIRT participated of the Maritz Green Fair with an exhibit on physical, chemical and biological soil parameters and opportunities in citizen science monitoring soil health.

Immanuel Lutheran Day School

May 3, 2018

Students from Immanuel Lutheran Day School visited the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center to tour the facilities and learn about the work that takes place there.

Among other things, students received lessons in soil health and were introduced to MO DIRT.

Soil Health Survey Training

April 20, 2018

MO DIRT hosted another soil health survey training, this time in Sikeston, MO. Participants were invited to take part in the MO DIRT citizen science project by performing their own soil health surveys.

The training included information about a variety of soil health parameters, as well as how to measure these parameters using the MO DIRT soil health survey kit.

Kirksville High School - Tour and class

April 18, 2018

Twenty eight students from Kirksville High School visited the Danforth Center to tour the facilities. They also received classes on soil science and root biology.
